Serving Pleasanton, CA

(925) 222-5297

Serving Pleasanton, CA

(925) 222-5297


Youth Athlete Program

Eat Fruits, Vegetables and Whole Grains Every Day

You need to eat grains every day because they supply most of the energy your body uses. When we breathe, think, heal and grow, we are “spending” energy. Whole grains are “superior” to refined grains because they have more fiber, vitamins, minerals and healthy phytochemicals (or plant chemicals). Fruits and vegetables give us many vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fiber and phytochemicals. The nutrients from fruits and vegetables keep our skin, eyes and hair healthy. Aim for at least five fruits and vegetables every day.

Always Eat Breakfast

Everyone needs to eat breakfast every day! It keeps your mind sharp and fuels your body. Kids who eat breakfast every day do better in school and are able to maintain a healthy weight. Try to include a variety of foods. Traditional choices include eggs, whole grain toast, English muffins or bagels, cold or hot cereals with milk, or yogurt with fruit. Did you oversleep? Take some yogurt, a whole grain cereal bar or a peanut butter sandwich to-go.

Watch out for WHOA foods


(whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, beans, tofu, and low fat dairy products) foods are the lowest in fat and added sugars; these can be eaten every day.


(refined grains, 100% juice, baked fries.) foods are higher in fat and added sugars than “Go” foods, but still lower than “WHOA” foods.

You can eat “Slow” foods several times a week. “WHOA” (regular soda, fried foods, high-fat meats, whole milk, ice cream.) foods are the highest in added sugars and fats, and should be limited for rare occasions.

Limit non-homework screen time to 2 hours per day

The more time you spend playing videos, watching TV or surfing the net, the less time you have to do more active things, like come to FC50 Fitness or play basketball. Time spent in front of the screen can lead to unhealthy weight gain, decrease your academic performance and is linked to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Sitting in front is also related to unhealthy snacking. Try to limit your non-homework screen time to 2 hours a day.

Be ACTIVE most days of the week

Find ways to be active every day. Exercising makes you stronger, healthier and smarter! Besides coming to FC50 Fitness, make a list of favorite activities so you can refer to it when your 2 hour screen time is up. Include activities for the whole family