
Serving Pleasanton, CA

(925) 222-5297

Serving Pleasanton, CA

(925) 222-5297


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
9AM - Power Sculpt 50 9AM - Power Sculpt 50 9AM - Power Sculpt 50 9AM - Power Sculpt 50
10AM - Power Sculpt 50 10AM - Power Sculpt 50 10AM - Power Sculpt 50 10AM - Power Sculpt 50

For Youth (6-10)

Youth Athlete Conditioning: $160/Month

Tuesday Thursday
3:20-4:00PM 3:20-4:00PM

Kid's Yoga: $65/Month


Pre-Athletes (13+)/Adult's Classes: $50/Session

(Strength Conditioning, Circuit Training, Power Sculpt)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
7:30-8:30PM 7:30-8:30PM
8-9AM 8-9AM 8-9AM 8-9AM
9-10AM 9-10AM 9-10AM 9-10AM
12-1PM 12-1PM 12-1PM 12-1PM
1-2PM 1-2PM 1-2PM 1-2PM

FC50 Fitness has classes that can help you find motivation and inspiration. We want to make sure that we maximize your chances of achieving your goals. We take the time to conduct our programs to know the shared goals you and your co-members want to achieve and areas you want to focus on so that you can get started on the path towards living a happier, healthier lifestyle. For more information on our body building and sports training programs, please give us a call at FC50 Fitness today!

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